
Home Forums Front End PM PRO Announcement

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  • #6334
    lam pk

    Hi there
    I’m using free plugin Front End Pm to send announcements to Users although i have Front End Pro.
    However i’ve realized that It could only send about announcements to only about 500 user despite the fact that my website has more than 700 users.
    Can you check that?

    Shamim Hasan

    Why you use Free version when you have PRO version?
    Some server limit email sending within time. Free version send email at a time, so if server limit that then those email will not be sent.
    PRO version have a feature to queue your announcement emails. So that emails will be sent in your desire time with a small chunk. You can try use that feature.

    lam pk

    Because of problem from this link
    I dont know whether it’s solved or not so for now i’m using free version
    And i prefer using Front end Pm to send Announcements in A email with Bcc(all users included)
    In addition i’m using VPS so there is no limit to send emails. I tested to send all users with 3rd plugin “email users” and there is no problem:)

    Shamim Hasan

    I have sent to 1000 users and it seems it sent to all users.
    Can you please try again.
    Also please debug on and try to see error log of your server if anything there regarding this.
    Let me know.

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