Apply sending limitations on custom roles

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  • #43808

    Hi Shamim,

    My client is a financial services firm that represents multiple independent financial advisors, and each of the independent financial advisors has his or her own set of clients. (Note that I’m using the term “set” rather than “group” to avoid confusion with the plugin’s “Group” function).

    Here’s what I’m trying to do:

    > Limit each of the financial advisors to sending messages only to their own set of clients. Further, each of the financial advisors must be able to send messages to their clients both individually and as a group.
    > Limit members of each set of clients to sending messages only to their own financial advisor.

    So far, I have created custom roles as follows:

    > a unique custom role for each of the financial advisors (ie, FinancialAdvisor1, FinancialAdvisor2, etc).
    > a unique custom role for each set of clients (ie, ClientsFinancialAdvisor1, ClientsFinancialAdvisor2, etc).

    However, I don’t see a way of applying my desired sending limitations on the roles. Is what I’m trying to do possible using your plugin? If so, can you please explain how to do it?

    Thanks in advance for your help,


    Hi Shamim,

    Here’s a bit more information that I hope will make what I’m hoping to achieve more clear.

    Currently, when a client goes to initiate a message to their advisor, they will see under the “To:” dropdown a choice of multiple financial advisors. This is because I have given all of the financial advisors the role of admin. My reason for giving financial advisors the role of admin is to ensure their clients can send them messages. Otherwise, they would be blocked. The reason they would be blocked is that I’ve used Role to Role Block (All Roles) to prevent clients from emailing one another (ie, non admins).

    Ideally, I would like to hide the “To” field from view for clients, and make it so that when clients send a message, the message will automatically go to the inbox of their specific financial advisor (and only their financial advisor).

    I’m hoping this can be accomplished using the roles I’ve already created, as mentioned earlier. Thus, for example, if a client is logged in under the ClientsFinancialAdvisor1 role, any messages they send would automatically go to the financial advisor with the role FinancialAdvisor1.

    So I’ve got this far, but as I said in my original message, I don’t know how to implement the next steps to make this happen.

    I look forward to hearing from you,

    Shamim Hasan

    There are couple of ways to achieve that.
    In my opinion easiest way is to use shortcode. You can set programmatically set “to” value so that this goes to directly to that advisor. You can block all “New Message” sending from role to role block but keep reply open for all. So that only way to send message is by this shortcode.


    Hi Shamim,

    Thank you for your reply, but I would appreciate a bit more guidance. I’ve loaded the shortcode ([fep_shortcode_new_message_form]) and the message form appears on the page. However, I do not know how to implement this part of the solution:

    “You can set programmatically set “to” value so that this goes to directly to that advisor.”

    How do I programmatically set the “to” value?

    Also, when I install the shortcode, the menu disappears, whereas I want the menu to show.

    Looking forward to hearing back from you,

    Shamim Hasan

    You can place this shortcode independent to [front-end-pm] shortcode. So you can place this is another page or in another tab. By programmatically setting “to” value i meant you can use this shortcode in php code and before that you can determine who is this users advisor. Like follows

    //Determine here who is current user's advisor and set his user nicename here. Suppose advisor user of current user is advisor1
    $toUserNicename = 'advisor1';
    do_shortcode( '[fep_shortcode_new_message_form to="' . $toUserId . '"]' );
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