BUG Block user & File upload Google Chrome Mobile(IOS)

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  • #21842
    User Deleted

    I found a bug that only appears under the following:
    -Use of Google Chrome Browser (Mobile) -> Not in desktop Version, tested with IOS [In all other major Browsers(even Mobile) this is not happening]
    -When a user uploads a file(image) and then pushes the “block user-button” the whole website freezes!!
    Sometimes refreshing the page in the browser helps to unfreeze.

    -When the user was blocked before – unblocking after a file upload is working.

    Please help to solve this problem as soon as possible!


    User Deleted

    Could you please help to solve it?!?


    Shamim Hasan

    Sorry for late reply. I had to setup for mobile debugging.
    I have tested it with a chrome browser in android phone and working correctly.

    Can you please deactivate all other plugins and change theme to default theme (eg. tweentysixteen) then test.

    User Deleted

    Hi Shamim,
    I`ve tested it with Twentyseventeen (Chrome in IOS) without any active plugins and the website is still freezing when I make use of the “block-user” right after uploading a image(jpeg)!!


    Shamim Hasan

    It seems it is an ios bug.
    Please go to this plugins’s block-unblock.js and remove line 5,6 & 7 (remove following code)

    if ( ! $( element ).hasClass( 'fep_user_blocked' ) && ! confirm( fep_block_unblock_script.confirm.replace( '%s', $( element ).data( 'user_name' ) ) ) ) {
    	return false;

    Then clear your browser cache and test.

    User Deleted

    I’ve tested it and it seemed to fix the issue, but the problem seems to be more related to the upload than the block-unblock.js. With (or without) removing the code the page freezes on other parts of the page. After testing a while, to understand why this happens not in all parts of the page, it seems that it has something to do with the use of jQuery. Whenever jQuery is used after the upload (even when it’s not directly after), the page freezes.

    Shamim Hasan

    This is not problem with website. It is a bug of IOS mobile. as most of the page with jQuery uses alert and confirm js function, IOS bug freeze that time.
    You can google to find more.

    User Deleted

    The problem is the use of native JS dialog in general(confirm, alert, promt).
    I finally fixed it by replacing the JS confirm with jquery-ui dialog.

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