Feature Request: Admin Responses Templates

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  • #8501
    Craig Tucker

    First, I really love this plugin. It is the heart of my website. You have been so thoughtful about how it has been developped and have been very helpful in the development on my side as I have integrated this with OpenEMR. I have been using this for about 6 months and the integration with OpenEMR is flawless. You really hung in there with me to get that going. That was remarkable.

    What I would love as an admin is a drop down box on the response for response templates. There are about 10 usual and customary questions I get from clients/patients. Now I have file with HTML that I can paste into the textbox but a built in template feature would be ideal. I would imagine that I am not alone in this. So, if I were to develop this I would have a page similar to the email template page for response templates that the admin user can develop. And in the response box for admins have a drop down to choose templates. That would be a great addition. If I have time I may develop it. For now it is just an idea.

    Shamim Hasan

    Thank you for using and loving this plugin.

    Your suggestion is very nice. It can easily be done. But i am busy with another new feature of this plugin, also next week i will go for vacation. When i am back, i will try to add this feature.

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