Front End PM Pro causing date conflict With "Toolset" plugin

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  • #6201
    Mads Andersen

    Hello 🙂

    “Toolset”, a very important plugin for our site, and “Frond End PM Pro” together, are causing a problem with dates. But I need both plugins. How can I solve this?

    Frond End PM deactivated
    It’s showing the news with dates here:

    You can also see this image: “news-frontendpm-deactivated.jpg”

    Front End PM activated
    When I activate the plugin “Front End PM Pro” I get this error message.
    Warning: Missing argument 2 for fep_format_date(), called in /var/www/ on line 298 and defined in /var/www/ on line 568

    See image: “news-frontendpm-activated.jpg”

    Thanks for your time, please help us.
    Best regards

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    Shamim Hasan

    is “Toolset” is in wp repository? Please give me the link.
    ‘the_time’ is wp core filter and it has 2 arguments. So if any plugin use that they should provide 2 arguments but That plugin did not provide that. That plugin should correct that.

    I will also correct my code for this type of issue for those plugin which this hook use wrongly.

    You can temporarily correct code to use for now. go to front-end-pm-pro/functions.php and change fep_format_date( $date, $d ) to fep_format_date( $date, $d = '' )

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