Google Captcha V2 I’m not a Robot, V2 and V3 not working with Paypal Checkout

Home Forums Advanced noCaptcha & invisible Captcha PRO Google Captcha V2 I’m not a Robot, V2 and V3 not working with Paypal Checkout

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  • #43016

    Hi there,

    Since PayPal uses a popup window to finalize the purchase and most likely refresh the page, the plugin sends a Captcha error:

    “Please solve Captcha correctly”

    We also tried the V2 versions and the same error occurs. However, we would like to use the V3 option with Paypal and WooCommerce at the checkout. If this is not possible we would like a refund.

    please, advise.


    This reply has been marked as private.
    Shamim Hasan

    Sorry for the trouble.
    As it seems it is not compatible with your setup, we refunded. It automatically cancelled your subscription and license.

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