How to hide the display of "message box size".

Home Forums Front End PM PRO How to hide the display of "message box size".

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  • #12460


    I have two question.

    Q1. I want to hide the display of “message box size”.

    Q2. I want to know how to skip to a specific page when clicking “Unread Message” display.

    Thanks and regards


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    Shamim Hasan

    Answer-1: Currently there is no direct class to hide. You can override header.php template to hide that line. Follow to change template.
    or wait for next version. I will add a class there so that you can easily hide that line with css.

    It will automatically redirect you to message page where you can read that message. Redirect to any other page add following code in your theme’s (child theme’s if any) functions.php (Change YOUR CURRENT MESSAGE PAGE URL and YOUR DESIRE PAGE URL accordingly)

    add_filter( 'fep_header_notification', function( $show ){
        $show = str_replace( 'YOUR CURRENT MESSAGE PAGE URL', 'YOUR DESIRE PAGE URL', $show);
        return $show;
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