I tried to insert this code:
add_filter( 'fep_filter_before_email_send', function( $content ){
$content['subject'] = strip_tags( $content['subject'] );
return $content;
}, 99);
add_filter( 'fep_filter_user_name', function( $name, $id ){
if( function_exists( 'um_fetch_user' ) ){
um_fetch_user( $id );
$name = '<a href="' . um_user_profile_url() . '">' . $name . '</a>';
return $name;
}, 10, 2);
[MODERATOR]- please put code between backticks
and it works, but there is a problem, when I click on new message and choose the recipient name, before the name I get <a href = “etc … with the address of the recipient profile.