Hi Shamim,
Great stuff, thanks for your reply, I can see what you mean, I will change that setting..
Just as a heads up I got this email response to this topic in my mailbox it conflicts with you forum message – mmm seed of thought maybe your auto correct kicked in or your translate as it says chose Same Message not Separate Message as in the forum..
Check out the copied text below… very strange.
Thanks anyway Shamim
shamim wrote:
Please go to Front End PM PRO > Settings > Recipient > Message type and select “Same Message”.
Now when user will send message to multiple recipient (select one by one) the everyone will receive a separate message and users can send reply separately.
Post Link: https://www.shamimsplugins.com/support/topic/in-need-of-both-reply-and-replyall-buttons/#post-17146
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