Integration with BuddyPress Ajax Registration

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  • #29383
    Raluca Iorga

    I’m trying to get this to work with BuddyPress Ajax Registration by BuddyDev. On the homepage the reCaptcha is not showing up in the popup registration form. As far as I can tell, the reCaptcha is showing up correctly if the registration popup is on blog post page but nowhere else…

    For example, going to and clicking “Register” at the top shows a registration form with the reCAPTCHA displayed… But anywhere else on the site does not seem to be working. Any insight into how to fix this would be very much appreciated.

    Thank you!

    Shamim Hasan

    Can you please give me url in which page it is not working?
    I can see in homepage also it is showing.

    Raluca Iorga

    Hi Shamin,

    The other plugin’s authors kindly updated their code so the initial loading now functions… BUT there is still a compatibility problem which they’re unable to address on their end. If something is filled out incorrectly and the form reloads with an error message, then we’re back to square 1 with the issue I previously described. The form shows a “Please solve Captcha correctly” message, but the Captcha itself is not loaded.

    BuddyDev said that: “needs to be resolved either on the Recaptcha plugins part or we will need to know from them how to refresh it on ajax lodaded form. Can you please ask the plugin developer how to refresh captcha when a form is reloaded via ajax and let me know?”

    Here’s the support thread with BuddyDev for further clarification:

    Shamim Hasan

    Thank them from me.
    They can use grecaptcha.reset(); to reset captcha in ajax loaded form.

    Let me know.

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