Issues after upgrading to Pro

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  • #17747
    Alex Terrier


    I bought the Pro upgrade today and I have a couple of issues.

    1- the auto search is not working, it was before the upgrade:

    2- I can’t send a message to a group unless I check the box “can users message to group” and myself being part of the group. That sounds like any member of the group will be able to send a message to all members.
    I would like to be the only one to send a message to the group. how can I do that?

    Thank you!

    Alex Terrier

    Actually I can’t send any message at all since the upgrade.

    Shamim Hasan

    For no-2, add yourself to every group and add following code in your theme’s (child theme’s if any) functions.php

    add_filter( 'fep_get_option', function( $value, $option ){
        if( 'can-send-to-group' == $option ){
            if( fep_is_user_admin() ){
                $value = true;
            } else {
                $value = false;
        return $value;
    }, 10, 2 );

    This will allow only admins to send message to group.

    For no-1: Is there any JavaScript error in your browser console?

    Alex Terrier

    re: For no-1: Is there any JavaScript error in your browser console?

    I don’t know what this is, but I tried in different browsers and the issue remains

    Alex Terrier

    At this point, I would even prefer going back to the free version, I don’t need a refund, I just want to use the plugin without pulling my hair with lines of code (I don’t know anything about this).

    either there is a simple way to fix this, or I would like to go back to the basic version.


    Shamim Hasan

    If FREE version works then PRO version will also work as both are same code in most of the places.
    Can you please set in Front End PM PRO > Settings > Recipient > Max recipients to 1 and check if works

    Let me know.

    Alex Terrier

    this seems to have resolved the problem, thanks. I’ll let you know if I run into some problems in the next few days.
    thank you

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