List of mail boxes

Home Forums Front End PM PRO List of mail boxes

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  • #28666
    Fran Acosta

    I would like to hide the list of mailboxes to one or more roles. So the idea is that when the role Student tipe a name in the typing box it won´t show anything.
    Another question is that I would like to show the list of people into a group when has been selected, to be able to tick or not users. So for example, if a Teacher user select to send a message to a group, when make the group selection it will appears all users into the group and can select or unselect one or more.
    Is there any possibility to do this?
    Many thanks

    Shamim Hasan

    You want to hide full message system from some roles or some of the features?

    From group users you can visit Front End PM PRO > All Groups. It is not possible and unselect any user from front end. You will have to create separate group without those users so that you can send message to those users to whom you want.

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