Need to add some space before and after ReCapcha v2 iframe

Home Forums Advanced noCaptcha & invisible Captcha PRO Need to add some space before and after ReCapcha v2 iframe

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  • #36170
    Dor Bujor Padureanu

    I’ve purchased yor PRO plugin. Thank you.
    Please help me with some css so I can put some space above and below recapha iframe.
    As it looks like it overlaps login button onmai site login.
    (it appears afte 2 failed logins)

    Thanks in advance!
    Dor Bujor Padureanu

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    Shamim Hasan

    Please add following code in your custom css

    .anr_captcha_field_div {
    	clear: both;

    Let me know.

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