New announcement email clickable links not working

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  • #22786
    Lester MacKenzie

    The email notification facility for the “announcements” on my setup has ceased working properly.

    I do not believe I have made any changes to the settings before this bug began to show itself except for WordPress plug-in updates etc but my use of the announcement facility is seldom, so I am not able to identify which if any of the plug-in updates I have made over the last 3 weeks may have contributed to the bug.

    The announcement email text I am using in settings is:

    Hi {{receiver}}
    <strong>Subject: {{subject}}</strong>
    You have an important new announcement waiting to be read from {{sender}} at {{site_title}}'s secure message service.
    <strong><font color="red">Important: Click the link below to access the message.</font> </strong>
    <a href="{{message_url}}">{{message_url}}</a>
    Many thanks.

    Notifications emails are sent but instead of a working clickable link which takes the user to the relevant announcement, the email link text appears as:


    In the notification message the above text is coloured blue and is underlined as normal.

    Can you help?

    Shamim Hasan

    Please check and let me know followings
    1. Front End PM PRO > Settings > General > Front End PM Page setup is correct
    2. Front End PM PRO > Settings > Emails > Email Content Type is set to “HTML”

    Also are you using any browser/ Email client to view your email? Please check email source code if that email link is correct,

    Lester MacKenzie

    Thanks for this.

    1. – I believe the Front End PM is setip correctly as per the following:

    2. – I believe the Email Content Type is already set to “HTML” as per the following:

    I am using Firefox to view emails on the web site and Outlook 2016 as my email client. The source code for a faulty message is:

    <!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
    <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=utf-8″>
    <title>Covenant Lodge No 4344</title>
    <p>Hi Tester do not send here</p>
    <p>You have an important new announcement to read from Lester MacKenzie at Covenant Lodge No 4344’s secure message service.</p>
    <p><font color=”red”>Important: Click the link below to access the message.</font> </p>
    <p>Many thanks.</p>


    Whereas, the source code for a correctly formatted email is:

    <!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
    <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=utf-8″>
    <title>Covenant Lodge No 4344</title>
    <p>Hi Tester do not send here</p>
    <p>Subject: test 5</p>
    <p>You have an important new message waiting to be read from Lester MacKenzie at Covenant Lodge No 4344’s secure message service.</p>
    <p><font color=”red”>Important: Click the link below to access the message.</font> </p>
    <p>Many thanks.</p>


    Can you help?

    Shamim Hasan

    As you are using it for announcements it should be {{announcement_url}}
    Please see bellow input text box what is allowed in that input box.

    Let me know.

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