No notification email sent for announcements

Home Forums Front End PM PRO No notification email sent for announcements

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  • #45946
    Denis Marchand

    From a few days announcements don’t generate external notification email. Annoucement is received correctly in FEPM internal interface.
    In dashboard / Front End PMpro / all annoucements, annoucements are in status « publish » and « email pending » are not equal to 0.
    Messages generated by FEPM are normaly sent and received and notification email is normaly sent.

    I checked th cron tasks and as far as I remembered there was a cron task to do this job. The only crontask related to FEPM I found is « fs_data_sync_front-end-pm » with « none » in the field action.

    What should I do to fix the problem ? Thanks for your answer.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    Shamim Hasan
    Denis Marchand

    It works!
    Thanks, you for your action!

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