I have sent these questions by email
and you replied me:
How many recipients you set in recipients settings ? Did i build anything customized for you? If yes, give me that.
my answer: i set max 5 recipent, but subscribers or others cant do that. mean user can send one message at a time.
no u did not do any custom work for me. u only gave me code to hide directory from users and show it to others
Where admin can not see message? Did you click “Toggle Messages” and see?
it says u dont have permission. not toggeled. admin should see what his team is doing or other team members maybe can replay if their collegue is off or something. so if multiple recipent works i beleive this will if we add the admin
For email notification did you set Email Content Type as HTML?
yes sir
still it is cut
hope u can replay asap, i was super loaded only now i am in a rush
thanks a MILLION