Hi, I use on my site under construction (connectobusiness.fr) (membership site (with eMember plugin) and listings site) the plugin WEB 2.0 DIRECTORY. That works well. I also use your internal messaging (Front End PM PRO) for private member messaging. That works well.
What I need:
On published ads (using plugin Web 2.0 Directory), users (logged in) can leave messages to the author of the ad.
Is it possible that the messages sent from the ads are directed not to the user’s personal e-mail address of the author (entered in the profile and use by plugin Web 2.0 Directory to sent mail) but to the private messaging service of the author (Front End PM plugin) inside the users site (his address being his username)?
If it’s possible, how can I can do that?
An option would be to set up custom contact email instead of author’s personal email…?
Thank you in advance