Requesting a refund

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  • #45625

    I would like to request a refund – what do I need to do for this? I am not able to customize the plugin as much as I need. I can’t customize the form visual as much as I want to – even with overriding styles and things and I need to be able to customize the actual fields more than is possible (eg. removing the subject field or making it an option for the user rather than free-type). There are other issues as well so I prefer a refund at this time.

    Shamim Hasan

    Refund processed.

    You can easily customize if you want. Eg. to set subject as select field Use following code

    add_filter( 'fep_form_fields', function( $fields ){
        if( isset( $fields['message_title'] ) ){
            $fields['message_title']['type'] = 'select';
            $fields['message_title']['options'] = [
                'Subject 1' => 'Subject title 1',
                'Subject 2' => 'Subject title 2',
        return $fields;
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