Send Email to selected Group

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    I am creating a community website where the members can write messages to each other. I would like to know if I can also group them with custom meta keys I have created? Or are there any other solutions like custom taxonomies?

    Thanks for helping.

    Shamim Hasan

    Will it query only by meta_key or meta_value as well?
    Do you want it so that it add all users during group save or when a message is sent? Eg. you added this meta key in group, and later a new user is added to that meta key. So will that user receive new message to that group?


    The authentication process of this app works like this, the admin makes the user registration with name, email password etc.

    I created custom meta key value pairs, with which the admin will categorize the users.

    For example, the admin creates 6 users, and they have the following meta value:

    User_1, user_cat: A
    User_2, user_cat: A
    User_3, user_cat: A
    User_4, user_cat: B
    User_5, user_cat: B
    User_6, user_cat: B

    If User_1 is logged in, he/she should see two groups A and B. If the user wants to write a message to all B users, the user can click on the category, and all the users with the category B will get a message.

    Shamim Hasan

    As wordpress support multiple roles for same user, my suggestion you use User Role Editor plugin to create multiple custom roles instead of meta key value pairs and assign them a custom role accordingly.


    I thought in that as well, but unfortunately I created a frontend admin panel and for what ever reason I can’t manipulate the user roles in that way, which brought me here to that support to ask if there is any possibility.

    So there is no way to create a group relation based on custom meta key and value?

    Shamim Hasan

    It is possible but need core plugin edit. In that case if you update this plugin in future you will lose those changes.
    It will be complex solution. If you still need those changes you can contact me through

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