SMS notifications for private messages

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  • #23684
    Audric Smith


    I’m trying to integrate SMS notifications for private messages and the only piece of the puzzle that I need is the PHP code for the recipient.

    So, for instance, user A sends pm to user B and user B receives SMS notification that there’s a new pm message.

    The problem is that in your code there’s no code for recipient, only participants are listed.

    So far I tested everything with class-fep-emails, function send email and SMS sending is working, just need a code for a pm recipient user id > custom field “mobile”

    $mobile= ‘mobile number’;
    $msg =

    wp_sms_send( $mobile, $msg );

    I would really appreciate if you could help me out with this.



    Shamim Hasan

    You can use like following

    $participants = fep_get_participants( $mgs_id );
    foreach ( $participants as $participant ) {
        if ( $participant == fep_get_message_field( 'mgs_author', $mgs_id ) ) {
        $mobile = get_user_meta( $participant, 'mobile', true );
        $msg = 'What you want to send';
        wp_sms_send( $mobile, $msg );
    Audric Smith

    Thank you for the example, but it’s not working, I tried everything including changing the keys etc..

    I am testing with send_email function in class-fep-emails.php and the mobile number is users custom field (Advanced Custom Fields plugin).

    function send_email( $postid, $post ){
    $participants = fep_get_participants( $postid );
    $participants = apply_filters( ‘fep_filter_send_email_participants’, $participants, $postid );

    if ( $participants && is_array( $participants ) ){

    PM Recipient > Recipient user id > mobile custom field

    Any help would be highly appreciated.



    Shamim Hasan

    Which version of this plugin you are using?
    What is the key of your user’s mobile number? Where and how did you used code which i provided? Please give me full changes what you have done so that i can correct you is possible.

    This plugin is highly customizable. So i suggest not to edit this plugin code. Use hooks instead.

    Audric Smith

    It would be great if you could do this custom work for me. Please contact me via my email.


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