Strip HTML from {{message}}

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  • #45816

    I’m using a custom email template for new messages and I’m attempting to strip the <p></p> that wrap the {{message}} tag.

    I’ve tried…

    In the email template file.
    $message = strip_tags( $message);

    In the email template file.

    function rip_tags($string, $rep = ' ') { 
        $string = preg_replace ('/<[^>]*>/', $rep, $string); 
        $string = str_replace("\r", '', $string);    // --- replace with empty space
        $string = str_replace("\n", $rep, $string);   // --- replace with space
        $string = str_replace("\t", $rep, $string);   // --- replace with space
        $string = trim(preg_replace('/ {2,}/', $rep, $string));
        return $string; 
    $message = "{{message}}";
    $message = rip_tags($message);


    add_filter( 'fep_filter_before_email_send', function( $content ){
    $content['message'] = strip_tags( $content['message'] );
    return $content;
    }, 99);

    The last one strips all HTML from the email. The first two have no impact.

    Usage <?php echo $message; ?>.

    Any help would be appreciated, I’m sure I’m missing something simple.


    $message = strip_tags( $message); should have shown $message = strip_tags('{{message}}');, I mistyped.


    Is there a simple way to filter or stop the wpautop on line 116 of pro/includes/class-fep-email-beautify.php, while retaining HTML as the email format?


    I’ve edit the code in class-fep-email-beautify.php to allow me to do some testing (I will change it back once I have a solution), which means I’ve been able to pull the message into the email template without the <p></p>.

    But even thought I have {{message}} in a $string, I’m still unable to modify or validate it using any sort of PHP function. It seems immune to my tinkering.

    This lot works as soon as I switch out {{message}} for the actual message copy, until then it comes back ‘false’ even when I know if should be ‘true’.

    function rip_tags($string, $rep = ' ') { 
        $string = preg_replace ('/<[^>]*>/', $rep, $string); 
        $string = str_replace("\r", '', $string);    // --- replace with empty space
        $string = str_replace("\n", $rep, $string);   // --- replace with space
        $string = str_replace("\t", $rep, $string);   // --- replace with space
        $string = trim(preg_replace('/ {2,}/', $rep, $string));
        return $string; 
    /* strpos that takes an array of values to match against a string */
    function strpos_arr($haystack, $needle) {
    	foreach($needle as $value) {
    		if (strpos($haystack, $value) !== false) {
    			return "<p><b>Warning!</b></p>";
    	return false;
    $message = "{{message}}";
    $message = rip_tags($message);
    $needle = array('various scam', 'keywords', 'and other stuff');
    $haystack = $message;

    I’ve realised I could drop $message = "{{message}}"; from the code and update the “New message content” in the settings to just be {{message}} and still have the message pulled in with just the $message variable. But I’m still unable to modify the $string via PHP functions, plus HTML that’s added to messages is sent through with the email, as I’m unable to strip it out.


    I got it all working, I found the reference I need to understand the filter here.

    Here’s the working code.

    function fep_rip_tags($string, $rep = ' ') { 
        $string = preg_replace ('/<[^>]*>/', $rep, $string); 
        $string = str_replace("\r", '', $string);    // --- replace with empty space
        $string = str_replace("\n", $rep, $string);   // --- replace with space
        $string = str_replace("\t", $rep, $string);   // --- replace with space
        $string = trim(preg_replace('/ {2,}/', $rep, $string));
        return $string; 
    function fep_strpos_arr($haystack) {
    	$needle = array('a selection', 'of various', 'keywords', 'related to scams');
    	foreach($needle as $value) {
    		if (strpos($haystack, $value) !== false) {
    			return "<p><b>Warning!</b> This is a scam.</p>";
    	return false;
    add_filter( 'fep_filter_message_before_send', function( $message ) {
    	$haystack = $message['message_content'];
    	$message['message_content'] = fep_strpos_arr($haystack) . fep_rip_tags( $message['message_content'] );
    	return $message;
    }, 99);

    It was the $message['message_content']; bit that I was unable to find in the plugin code or docs. But now I know what to look for, it’s everywhere. I’ve return my class-fep-email-beautify.php back to it’s default state too, reenabling wpautop on the copy.

    This reply has been marked as private.
    Shamim Hasan

    Do you want to strip only in email (which sent to email address after message sent) or in message as well (which shown in website)?


    Originally, I only wanted to strip the HTML from the message of the email, but what I ended up with, striped it from the email and the website. Which worked out as it makes the site more secure, and I was able to modify my attached scam warning message with a bit of CSS, so it made sense on the website and in the email. The code in reply #45825 is simplified compared to the live code, to make it more generic and less specific to my website.

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