Hi Shamim,
I am using the following code to add meta to each message. Every time a child message is published I want to update the parent message meta to be the same as the latest child message. This is what I have so far but it is not working. The parent message gets the meta from the first child message. However, it does not update on subsequent messages. Any help is appreciated.
add_action( ‘fep_action_message_after_send’, function( $message_id, $message, $new_message ){
if ( ! empty( $message[‘cus_fep_textbox15’] ) ) {
fep_add_meta( $message_id, ‘cus_fep_textbox15’, $message[‘cus_fep_textbox15’], true );
fep_add_meta( $new_message->mgs_parent, ‘cus_fep_textbox15’, $message[‘cus_fep_textbox15’], true );
}, 10, 3);