WP HTML MAIL plugin with FEP Pro

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  • #26005
    ronnie kanka

    Hi Shamim,
    I just noticed that the message_url tag is not working when emails get sent.
    The “click here” shows up in the email, but the href value is blank.

    I am using WP HTML MAIL plug-in so I imagine this is the issue, but there’s gotta be a way to get the link to work, right? The message shows up and all the other tags work, but they are not links, so imagining thats the issue.

    ronnie kanka

    PS I used {{message_url}} (including the {{ and }})

    Shamim Hasan

    1. Please recheck if you set “Front End PM Page” in Front End PM PRO > Settings > General
    2. If you deactivate that plugin, does it works?

    Let me know.

    ronnie kanka

    Hi sorry for delay here
    1) Yes its set correctly
    2) Tried and no, it doesnt fix it.

    I forgot to mention, I am using “Front End PM – Ultimate Member Integration” version 1.4

    Shamim Hasan

    Please deactivate “Front End PM – Ultimate Member Integration” and activate again then test.
    If still not working can you give me access to your website so that i can have a look? If yes, please create 2 test user account(1 as admin) and send using https://www.shamimsplugins.com/sensitive-information/

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