Thank you 🙂 I have found this code and modified to add a checkbox, which it seems to do.
add_filter( ‘fep_form_fields’, function( $fields ){
$fields[‘public’] = [
‘type’ => ‘checkbox’,
‘label’ => ‘Can we use your message on the site as a story?’,
‘where’ => ‘newmessage’,
‘priority’ => 22,
‘function’ => function( $field ){
return $fields;
I am lost on how to display the field using the display after the message hook, ive tried echoing the value out by editing the message template which I know is bad, but im not sure what the value is?
<?php echo $public;?>
<?php echo fep_form_fields( ‘public’ ); ?>
<?php echo $field; ?>
<?php echo $fields; ?>
Sorry for sounding completely stupid! Any pointers would be great 🙂 thank you so much