Shamim Hasan

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  • in reply to: Defaulting to Inbox #2838
    Shamim Hasan

    you can add fep-filter=inbox in url by default

    in reply to: Email Piping #2835
    Shamim Hasan

    Did you follow exactly ?
    is there any MESSAGE KEY in your email subject?
    did you changed permission to your file?
    are you getting any error?

    in reply to: Directory Listing #2788
    Shamim Hasan

    Yes, you can use fep_directory_arguments filter hook to accomplish this. Also if you want to exclude from auto suggestion also use fep_autosuggestion_arguments hook

    in reply to: fep_mr_to token input translations #2769
    Shamim Hasan

    Thank you for contacting.
    Did you translate those text in your language? Please use latest pot file to translate if you do not find those text in translation file.

    in reply to: Change fonts #2744
    Shamim Hasan

    you can use #fep-wrapper in custom css.
    Go to Dashboard > Front End PM > Settings > General and then add following code in custom css field and save.

    #fep-wrapper{ font-size: 20px; }

    you can use whatever style you like

    in reply to: problem message #2737
    Shamim Hasan

    Please go to Dashboard > Front End PM > Settings > Security and set as required.

    in reply to: About email beautifying #2698
    Shamim Hasan

    you can use stripslashes() there.
    I will investigate more and try to fix this in next version.

    in reply to: Full message line break and attachment questions #2695
    Shamim Hasan

    attachment thumbnail is not generated because it is not used anywhere.
    for line break, you can use nl2br function around email content (temporarily), I will try to investigate more and correct it in next release.
    i actually did not understand you properly what did you expect by display attachment in clever way in message. Please explain a little so that i understand and can try to implement.
    i am working on next version, but will take some time to release.

    in reply to: Auto Suggestion Switch Disappeared? #2671
    Shamim Hasan

    Without auto suggestion users have to type full name of other users without spelling mistake, that is very hard. he need to remember other users name exactly what they used as their name.

    Also there is a filter ( fep_autosuggestion_arguments ) which you can use to show username suggestion which they have permission to see.

    in reply to: FEP Multiple Recipients in not woking #2666
    Shamim Hasan

    Please deactivate all plugins and change your theme to default theme then test. If working then activate one by one and test.
    Let me know which one creating problem.

    in reply to: Toggle Messages #2644
    Shamim Hasan

    Sorry, somehow it got unanswered..
    in viewmessage.php line 17 you can remove fep-hide-if-js

    in reply to: On Godaddy Managed Hosting, no CPANEL access #2642
    Shamim Hasan

    you can ask your hosting provider to set up for you.

    in reply to: About email beautifying #2639
    Shamim Hasan

    for security reasons wp_kses_post is used. So some code may strips out. If you want to keep as you type you need to change 2 lines of code in class-fepadmin-settings.php and remove wp_kses_post from line 444 and 512 ( fep version 4.8)

    in reply to: Toggle Messages #2562
    Shamim Hasan

    By default all “read” messge is hidden and show when tittle clicked or “Toggle Messages” clicked.

    By default all “unread” message is NOT hidden.

    in reply to: FEP Multiple Recipients in not woking #2560
    Shamim Hasan

    What error are you getting?
    Is it showing textbox to input user name?

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