Shamim Hasan
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Shamim HasanKeymaster
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Shamim HasanKeymasterHow to add debug code?
Shamim HasanKeymasterDo you use any SMTP plugin? Do that plugin have email log?
Can you give me access to debug? i need admin and FTP access. If yes please send using HasanKeymasterYou will found this option in Front-end settings (from where you send your messages)
1. Other checks have satisfactory results?
2. So only live site is not sending emails? normal emails are being sent? eg. registration email?
3. Did you do a conflict check? Eg. deactivate all plugins and activate one of default theme (eg. tweenty*) ?Shamim HasanKeymasterSo only live site is not sending emails?
Please follow
Let me know.
Shamim HasanKeymasterHi Pavlo
Please follow
If still not working please create a separate topic so that i can support you better.Shamim HasanKeymasterCan you please create a staging site so that i can check without affecting your live users?
Can you please send test user credentials using so that i can have a look?
Shamim HasanKeymasterMost common reason for this is if any user delete that message other user cannot reply anymore by default.
You can check Front End PM PRO > Settings > Security > Reply Deleted Message
Let me know.
Shamim HasanKeymasterThank you for your suggestion. Logged for future consideration.
Shamim HasanKeymasterShamim HasanKeymasterPlease recheck your POP3 setup in Front End PM PRO > Settings > Emails
if still not working let me know.
Also let me know if you are comfortable of editing php file if i instruct you.Shamim HasanKeymasterAdd following code in your theme’s (child theme’s if you are using) functions.php and keep there.
add_filter( 'cron_schedules', function( $schedules ){ $schedules['every_minute'] = array( 'interval' => MINUTE_IN_SECONDS, 'display' => __('Every Minute', 'front-end-pm'), ); return $schedules; });
Then add following code in your theme’s (child theme’s if you are using) functions.php. Then refresh your website couple of times then remove following code.
add_action( 'init', function(){ if ( wp_next_scheduled( 'fep_pop3_event' ) ) { wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'fep_pop3_event' ); } wp_schedule_event( time(), 'every_minute', 'fep_pop3_event' ); });
Shamim HasanKeymasterI am finished with your website. I will continue further test in my test website.
If you want to include this fix in your live website you can copy class-fep-cache.php and class-fep-message-query.php files from this plugin into your live website’s plugin.
Shamim HasanKeymasterI have temporarily fixed it.
It needs more testing. After testing i will include this fix in next version of the plugin.Shamim HasanKeymasterPlease send FTP credentials also. Otherwise i cannot add debug code.
Also send a normal user credentials to send test message back and forth.Please send all credentials using